Saturday, November 15, 2008


Gwyneth Paltrow said "I'm not in my pre-pregnancy state. I'm trying not to rush myself. I want my food to be high quality as I'm feeding Apple. I'm not into dieting. Now I'm able to exercise, I'm shrinking back down a little bit. It's a very slow process."

Catherine Zeta-Jones said "I'm going to do it as long as I can, there is something so intimate about it. For the one hour or 45 minutes it's just wonderful. It's wonderful bonding and you know they're getting all those antibodies."

Jodie Foster said "I just can't stop losing weight with the breastfeeding. I ate as much as I possible could, but kept losing. You'll see why when you meet Charlie."

Nancy O'Dell said "Breastfeeding is the best diet. I want to eat healthy for her, so it's easy to say no to pizza."

Tory Spelling said "Yes, it's hard, but I love it. That's our time together, and I can give him the one thing he! Dean took a photo of me nursing, and I was horrified. I was thinking this poor baby must be so scared of this giant thing coming at him"