Wednesday, June 26, 2013
What is SALT?
Salt is a substance that gives a salty taste to food. It is available in fine or coarse form, and is added to food or is a hidden ingredient in soy sauce, ketchup, preserved soya beans, mayonnaise, cheese, salted fish or in seasoning powder and stock cubes.
Do we need SALT?
Salt is needed to:
i. control the balance of body fluids.
ii. maintain proper muscle and nerve control.
iii. help maintain normal blood pressure.
REMEMBER! Excessive salt intake can increase the blood pressure of certain individuals at risk.
How much SALT is needed?
We need less than 6 grams (1 teaspoon per day), including hidden salt.
Tips for Reducing Salt Intake:
i. Use natural ingredients such as lime juice and spices.
ii. Reduce the use of salt, aritifical flavouring, soya sauce and preserved soya beans in cooking.
iii. Reduce the consumption of processed foods such as canned food, sausages, burgers and instant noodles.
iv. Reduce the use of mayonnaise and cheese in food preparation.
v. Reduce salty snacks such as crisps and salted nuts.
vi. Reduce preserved food such as salted fishm salted eggs, shrimp paste, fermented shrimp sauce, fermented anchovy sauce, pickled fruits and pickled vegetables.
vii. Read food labels and avoid buying food that are rich in codium chloride and monosodium glutamate (MSG)
viii.Limit salt intake to 1 teaspoon (6 grams) per day.
Guideline in choosing food with less salt when eating out
> Ask for less salt or MSG in your food.
> Avoid soupy food such as instant noodles and mee bandung.
> Avoid fried food containing salted fish, fried vegetables with salted fish and canned food.
> Choose white rice over beriyani rice, tomato rice or fried rice.
> PRACTISE THE 5Ms !!! <
1. Minimise Sugar
2. Minimise SALT
3. Minimise Oil
4. More Fruits
5. More Vegetables
Labels: Diet for Wellness, Health Alert for Wellness, Tips For Wellness
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 24, 2013
Ramai antara kita inginkan badan yang sihat dan ideal. Namun tahukah anda amalan pemakanan yang kita sangka 'sihat' selama ini tidak semestinya membantu kita dalam mencapai misi kesihatan yang optimun. Mari sama-sama kita teliti info berikut :
SEBENARNYA - Coklat memang membantu wanita yang mempunyai simptom PMS kerana kajian membuktikan perasaan marah, sedih dan emosi terganggu dapat dikurangkan dengan coklat kerana kandungan serotonin yang berupaya mengubahmood seseorang. Selain itu coklat juga mengandungi mineral iaitu magnesium di mana ia penting sewaktu haid.
SEBENARNYA - Manusia hanya memerlukan satu liter air dalam badan untuk kekal segar. Apa yang perlu kita tekankan ialah bagaimana memastikan diri kita sentiasa cukup dengan air dan bukannya menjadikan 8 gelas sebagai perkara yang wajib. Cecair dalam badan akan berkurang mengikut rutin dan cara hidup kita. Jika anda rajin bersukan maka anda haruslah menggantikan cecair yang terkumuh dengan minum air yang lebih.
SEBENARNYA - Fenomena yang sering dilihat oleh ibu-bapa adalah setelah memberi manisan kepada anaknya, 15 minit kemudian si kecil tadi menjadi sangat aktif. Ia sememangnya nampak seperti masuk akal. Namun kajian oleh Warner, seorang pakar pemakanan membuktikan bahawa manisan tidak langsung mempunyai kaitan biologi dengan kelakuan kanak-kanak. Kelakuan kanak-kanak dipengaruhi oleh persekitaran sekeliling ataupun suasana dan perasaannya. Bukannya kerana manisan tetapi kerana mendapat manisan.
SEBENARNYA - Telur organik, kacang organik dan ayam organik sememangnya menjadi pilihan sesetengah masyarakat yang prihatin dengan khasiat. Namun makanan organik adalah sangat mahal di pasaran. Satu kajian yang dibuat oleh Stanford University, tidak kira bagaimana caranya binatang atau tumbuhan itu dibesarkan, kandungan mineral dan vitaminnya adalah tetap sama. Yang berubah hanya sebilangan kecil produk tenusu seperti yogurt dan keju itupun hanya peningkatan daripada omega 3. Hanya satu kelebihannya iaitu kita tidak akan menghadam racun serangga dan anti bakteria yang digunakan.
SEBENARNYA - Kajian daripada Arkansas University membuktikan bahawa obesiti bukan berpunca daripada tenaga yang tidak digunakan kemudian bertukar menjadi lemak. Proses pencernaan mengambil masa yang lama dan ia mengikut aktiviti harian kita. Ramai yang berpendapat sewaktu kita tidur kita akan menyebabkan makanan bertukar menjadi lemak. Sebenarnya metabolisma badan kita tidak pernah berhenti. Ia hanya menjadi perlahan sewaktu tidur untuk mengelakkan tenaga yang berlebihan. Kita menjadi gemuk bukan kerana waktu makan tetapi kuantiti kalori yang kita ambil tidak kira ianya pada waktu siang ataupun malam.
SEBENARNYA - Ramai yang berpendapat kolestrol dalam telur menyebabkan saluran jantung tersumbat dan punca kepada sakit jantung. Tahukah anda 75% kolestrol adalah dihasilkan oleh hati sendiri untuk memproses makanan lemak tepu dan bukannya makanan yang ada kolestrol? Mengikut kajian pakar kolestol dalam telur tiada kaitan dengan penyakit jantung malah pesakit yang tinggi kolestrol juga diberikan telur beberapa biji seminggu kerana khasiat telur adalah menguatkan sel dan juga penyumbang vitamin D.
Memang benar, zaman sekarang pelbagai tips pemakananan dan keadah diet yang 'betul' memenuhi dada akhbar, majalah dan media elektronik. Persoalannya adakah ia berguna kepada kita? Ataupun tips tersebut hanya sekadar diguna-pakai oleh sesetengah pihak?
sumber: Facebook
Labels: Artikel Bahasa Melayu, Diet for Wellness, Health Alert for Wellness
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 21, 2013
Labels: Quote of Wellness Wellbeing
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 20, 2013
In case you missed it: It's no secret excess sugar isn't exactly sweet where your health is concerned, but now new research indicates it may take a toll on your brain as well as your waistline. In a recent animal study, UCLA researchers found that rats fed a solution of fructose had a harder time navigating a maze, a sign of slowed learning and memory loss, compared to a second group of rats who were given the fructose solution as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which are thought to have a brain-boosting effect. The researchers suspect that the fructose-only diet decreased brain activity because it affected insulin's ability to help brain cells use sugar to process thoughts and emotions. Certain omega-3 fatty acids may buffer the brain from the harmful effects of fructose.
Use the news: While this research is preliminary, it's just general good health advice to minimize your intake of added sugar (see some shockingly sneaky sources here) and up your consumption of foods rich in omega-3s, including walnuts, salmon, flax seeds and soybeans to your meals. You've probably heard of smart foods that boost your IQ, but did you know that some less-healthy options can actually drain your brain?
Red Meat and Butter
A diet high in "bad" saturated fat may hurt brain function, according to new Harvard research published in the Annals of Neurology. When researchers studied the eating habits and tested the brain function of 6,000 women for an average of four years, they found the women who ate the most saturated fat scored lower on tests of brain function and memory. On the other hand, women who ate the most monounsaturated fats (found in foods like olive oil and avocado) had higher scores.
Use the news: You don't need to shun saturated fat sources entirely, but choose low or non-fat versions of animal products, such as cheese, yogurt, and milk. Avoid processed meat, like bacon, and stick to lean cuts. Get more protein from vegetable sources, like soy and legumes.
Chips, pizza, and other junk food
Will junk food rot kids' brains? A 2011 British study of nearly 4,000 children found that those who ate primarily junk food (lots of processed and fast food) at age three had a small drop in IQ five years later compared with children who ate healthier diets. (And the link remained after researchers accounted for confounding variables, such as socioeconomic status and parents' education.) Early diet choices especially seemed to affect kids' verbal abilities, according to The study suggests that smart diet choices may be particularly crucial during early years of rapid brain development.
Use the news: It can be tricky to get young picky eaters to eat healthy foods, but remember that kids need repeated exposure (sometimes a dozen or more times) to "like" a new food. So don't give up so easily! And many classic kid favorites, like string cheese and yogurt, make for healthy snacks instead of processed cookies and chips.
Low-Carb Diets
Ditching carbs can sap brainpower (along with energy and mood). A small Tufts University study of 19 women between the ages of 22 and 55 found that when dieters eliminated carbohydrates, they showed a gradual dip in cognitive skills (particularly on memory-related tests) compared to a group who stayed on a low-calorie diet that included carbs.
Use the news: Carbs aren't evil-your body needs them for many important functions, including fueling your brain. So avoid diets that eliminate or severely restrict them, and choose healthy options, like whole grain pastas and breads, brown rice, and quinoa.
Does blowing that bubble boost or bust your brainpower? Here, the research is mixed. A recent British study published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology found that chewing gum during a memorization exercise impaired participants' short-term memories. The researchers believe the act of chewing may get in the way of concentrating on memory tasks (In this case, participants were asked to learn the order of items in a list) The finding contradicts previous research, which found a positive association between chewing gum and mental tasks.
Use the news: Because of mixed study results, you might not want to spit just yet. But be sure to include other brain-boosting habits in your daily routine, such as drinking water (dehydration can affect focus and acuity), getting plenty of sleep, and playing brain games.
Labels: Health Alert for Wellness, Tips For Wellness
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 4:29 PM 0 comments
NaturCareTM Pomegranate Full Spectrum is Better than Juice!
Made up of the whole fruit - from seeds, pulp, and even the peel, 1 softgel of Pomegranate Full Spectrum is a powerhouse of antioxidants, just as nature intended. Unlike commercially prepacked pomegranate juices that has added water (85%), sugars (11%), little fiber (1%), with less than 1% of pomegranate extract. Futhermore, studies show that Pomegranate Full Spectrum offer more health benefits than extract alone.
Health benefit of Pomegranate:
Healthy Blood Flow
Reduce plaque build-up (fatty deposit inside an arterial wall) in blood vessels that blocks arteries
Relief Joint Pain
Promotes flexible joints, suppress swelling and inflammation of joints
Protect Skin against Sun Ultraviolet (UV) Rays
Reduce skin redness, age spots and pigmentation due to prolong sun exposure of joints
Preserve Prostate Health in Men
Prevent frequent night urine, weak and interrupted urine stream
NaturCare™ Pomegranate Full Spectrum
600mg x 60 Softgels
Each softgel (Punica granatum) contains:
Pomegranate Extract 150mg
Pomegranate Seed Oil 100mg
(Standardised from 65% - 75% Punicic Acid)
Traditionally used for health maintenance. This is a traditional medicine. If symptoms persist, please consult your doctor.
Dosage : 2-4 softgels once or twice daily with meals.
Source of Capsule : Bovine (Halal Certified).
Storage Condition : Keep in cool, dry place. Shelf life-3 years.
Precaution and interaction : It is recommended that this product is to be taken 1 hour apart from any medication to avoid any unforeseen interaction. Not suitable for pregnant woman.
Whole fruit extract with seed oil offer more benefits than juice alone.
Recognising The Signs
Ageing is a natural process we all go through. With time,
as we age,
Joint loses its flexibility
Level of energy and stamina drop
Skin develops age spots and pigmentation
Susceptible to age specific diseases
While we can’t stop time nor the process of ageing, we can however, control the speed at which ageing occurs.
Unfortunately, the stresses of today’s modern lifestyles are causing our bodies to age faster than it should. Our diet, exposure to environmental harshness and our stressful lifestyles subject our cells to free radicals exposure, resulting in oxidative stress that damage our healthy cells. High level of oxidative stress causes our cells to lose its efficacy to repair damage cells and regenerate new ones. Before we know it, signs of ageing creep in.
Antioxidants - The natural way to keep age at bay
Widely known for its ability to neutralize free radicals by preventing oxidization and reducing the formation of free radicals, antioxidants is the key to staying young.
- A natural antioxidant booster
Punicic Acid found in pomegranate extract and seed oil is the key to reducing free radicals and managing oxidative stress. Studies show that consumption of pomegranate extract can increase antioxidant capacity in healthy individuals.
With more antioxidants, cells are kept healthy and youthful, preventing the onset of age-specific illnesses whilst offering a myriad of health benefits:
Reduce blood vessel hardening by 70%
Reduce joint pain by 62% after 12 weeks
Reduce skin photo-ageing
Keeps PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)* level
stables in men
* PSA level rises with prostate enlargement, commonly found in elderly men that leads to poor urine flow.
NaturCareTM Pomegranate Full Spectrum is the extract of the whole fruit, seeds and peels of pomegranate. It is rich in antioxidants due to its high concentration of Punicic Acid
interested to purchase?
Labels: Supplement for Wellness
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fruits for Wellness, Nutrition Facts for Wellness
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 3:25 PM 0 comments
You love bananas?
Do you know how bananas help to maintain your health and wellness?
read this ... :)
Labels: Diet for Wellness, Fruits for Wellness
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Labels: Nutrition Facts for Wellness
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 3:02 PM 0 comments