Did you know that fibromyalgia is more common than rheumatoid arthritis? Read on to know what causes it and how to deal with it - BY KIM LAWSON
We all experience sore muscles or pains and aches at some point or the other. But when the pain is consistent, severe enough to stop you from living a normal life, you may suffer from what is called the Fibromyalgia Syndrome [fibromyalgia for short]. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition of widespread pain and profound fatigue. ‘Fibro’ stands for fibrous tissues such as tendons and ligaments; ‘my’ indicates muscles; and ‘algia’ means pain. So, fibromyalgia is pain and fatigue in the muscles and fibrous tissues of our body.
Since fibromyalgia is recognised as a collection of symptoms rather than by one specific symptom or malfunction, it is a syndrome.
Key characteristics
The most prominent feature of fibromyalgia is pain—a diffused aching or burning, often from head to toe. It may worsen at times and change location, usually becoming more severe in the most used parts of the body.
The fatigue ranges from simply feeling tired to feeling exhausted like in flu. The fatigue is not always constant; it may come and go and suddenly you feel drained of all energy—as if someone has just “pulled the plug”.
You will be surprised to know that fibromyalgia is a common illness. In fact, it is as common as rheumatoid arthritis and can even be more painful. With appropriate treatment, however, those with mild to moderate fibromyalgia can lead a normal life.
Fibromyalgia predominantly seems to affect women between the age 30 and 50. Although, increasing experience indicates that it can even affect males and individuals of all age groups.
Collection of symptoms
Besides pain and fatigue, fibromyalgia symptoms often include:
-Un-refreshing sleep—waking up tired and stiff
-Headaches—ranging from ordinary types to migraine
-Irritable bowel—frequent diarrhoea or constipation, sometimes accompanied by gas in the abdomen or nausea
-Cognitive disturbances including lack of concentration and word mix up
-Clumsiness and dizziness
-Sensitivity to changes in the weather and noise, bright lights, smoke and other environmental factors
What causes fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia often develops after some sort of a trauma, which seems to act as a trigger, such as a fall or a car accident, a viral infection, childbirth, an operation or an emotional event. Sometimes the condition begins without any obvious trigger. The actual cause of fibromyalgia is yet unknown, but over the last few years, research has produced some insights into this puzzling condition. For instance, we now know that most people with fibromyalgia are deprived of deep restorative sleep.
Research has identified a deficiency in serotonin in the central nervous system and a resulting imbalance of substance P, a spinal fluid that transmits pain signals. It is hoped that more research will help discover the exact cause for more effective treatment.
Making a diagnosis
Although fibromyalgia is not a new condition, for most of the last century, it was difficult to diagnose because of the difficulty in identifying it through standard laboratory tests or X-rays. Moreover, many of its signs and symptoms are common to other conditions—especially chronic fatigue syndrome [CFS].
The breakthrough came only in 1970, when two Canadian doctors developed a way of diagnosing fibromyalgia, a way that is now widely accepted. Fibromyalgia is diagnosed once other medical conditions are ruled out through tests and the patient’s history.
The patient also displays two main symptoms:
-Widespread pain for more than three months and
-Pain in at least 11 out of 18 tender point sites when they are pressed.
‘Widespread pain’ means pain above and below the waist and on both sides of the body. The ‘tender points’, or spots of extreme tenderness, are rarely noticed by the patient until they are pressed.
Course of treatment
At present, treatment for fibromyalgia is symptomatic: it aims at reducing pain and improving sleep. In other words, the symptoms are treated rather than the condition itself. Medications most often prescribed for fibromyalgia are tricyclic drugs also used to treat depression—although doses for fibromyalgia are much lower than they are for depression. In some cases, these drugs ease pain as well as help the patient sleep.
Over-the-counter medications help relieve pain to some extent. Severe pain may require the expertise of a pain clinic. It is best to discuss any form of pain relief with your specialist or GP [general practioner]. Some people may require professional counselling to cope and take an active part in their own treatment.
Managing fibromyalgia
Learning to manage the condition seems, so far, the most successful way of dealing with fibromyalgia. A combination of heat therapy, rest, exercise and reducing stress can enable some people with fibromyalgia to maintain a productive life.
A number of alternative techniques are helpful in easing pain.
*Relaxation is a technique that works well for almost everybody with fibromyalgia. It reduces tension in the mind and body. The results are calming for all the symptoms, particularly, the pain.
*A hot water bottle and hot baths or showers, ease the pain and morning stiffness. Soaking hands and feet in hot water can diminish the ache.
*No particular diet directly helps patients with fibromyalgia. It is best, however, to avoid or at least cut down on your coffee, tea and alcohol intake. Some sufferers have a tendency to gain weight and this can be distressing in itself. Following a diet with protein, vitamins and minerals helps to control your weight and build strength.
*Family and friends can help the person deal with fibromyalgia by learning as much as possible about the condition. Discussing problems and working together can make big a difference.
The life of a person with fibromyalgia is a combination of good days and bad days. On a good day, it is important to pace yourself and rest; overdoing may simply make matters worse. Listen to your body when it tells you to slow down.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Labels: Health Alert for Wellness
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 1:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
By Elaine Zwelling, R.N., Ph.D.
From Pampers Baby Care Central
Should you exercise during pregnancy? A good rule of thumb is that if everything is going well, you can do almost any exercise you were doing before you got pregnant. And if you weren't exercising, then now's the time to start.
Exercise strengthens and tones muscles, some of which you'll be using during your labor and birth. It also increases the circulation of blood between you and your baby, decreases many of the discomforts you may experience during pregnancy (such as backache), improves your energy level, and helps you feel good emotionally. In fact, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that you exercise at least three times a week during pregnancy for optimum health.
Safety First
While exercise is great for you and your baby, there are a few precautions you should take. Here are some tips from ACOG:
+Don't exercise for longer than 30 minutes at a time.
+Always include a warm-up and a cool-down period (in addition to the 30 minutes of exercise).
+Avoid forced, passive stretches, such as reaching for your toes or doing hamstring stretches. +Pregnancy hormones make your joints looser, so overstretching—which can cause a muscle injury—is a greater risk during pregnancy. Also avoid sudden jerking or bouncing movements or quick changes in position.
+Limit aerobic activity to the low-impact variety, especially if you weren't exercising regularly before getting pregnant. Brisk walking, swimming, and riding a stationary bicycle are good choices.
+If you take an aerobics class, exercise only on wood or tightly woven carpeted surfaces, and be sure the instructor knows you're pregnant.
+Protect your abdominal and lower-back muscles by using good posture and by avoiding exercises that will strain them, like full sit-ups or raising both legs off the floor at the same time. Instead, do "mini" sit-ups (see below), and when doing leg lifts, raise one leg off the floor at a time, keeping the other leg bent with your foot on the floor.
+Measure your heart rate at peak activity to be sure you're not exceeding 140 beats per minute.
Avoid overheating: Drink plenty of water, and don't exercise in hot, humid conditions.
And remember, always check with your health care provider before starting any new exercise routine during pregnancy.
Birthing Exercises
You can perform these two easy exercises each day to prepare your muscles for the big job of giving birth.
1. Mini Sit-ups
This exercise tones your abdominals, which provide support for the spine and thus help to decrease low backache. These muscles will also be involved in the work of pushing your baby out during the second stage of labor.
Lie on your back, knees bent, with your feet on the floor. Place a pillow under one hip so you're not flat on your back. As you exhale, tighten your abs and raise your head and shoulders off the floor while reaching for your knees with your arms. Inhale and return to starting position. Repeat 10 times, once in the morning and once in the evening.
2. Kegels
This exercise can be done anywhere, anytime, without anyone knowing! It helps the pelvic floor muscles become more elastic so your baby can pass through your pelvis more easily during birth.
To do Kegels, contract the muscles around your urethra, vagina, and rectum (imagine you're trying to prevent yourself from urinating). Hold for several seconds, then release. Repeat in sets of 10, several times each day.
Labels: Wellness in Pregnancy
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 4:26 PM 0 comments
By Margaret Comerford Freda, Ed.D, R.N.
From Pampers Baby Care Central
"Stay rested." That's wonderful advice for your nine-month journey, but it's easier said than done for some women. A growing belly, an active baby, and hormonal changes can make it tough to fall asleep and stay there. Here are some common pregnancy sleep disruptions and techniques for dealing with them.
Tossing and Turning
One of the most common sleep complaints during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, is finding a comfortable position to sleep in. Try lying on your side with a pillow between your knees for lower-back support. You can also buy a body pillow, which can be molded along the length of your body, offering support where you need it most. Some women find relief by sleeping in a slightly reclined position with lots of pillows behind and around them.
Frequent Urination
The farther you get into your pregnancy, the more often you will have to urinate, and nighttime probably will be no exception. The need to urinate increases as your growing uterus compresses your bladder. You don't want to cut back on fluids during the day, but you might try to limit drinking just before bedtime.
In most cases, frequent urination is just a symptom of being pregnant. But you should be aware that urinary tract infections (UTIs) also have this effect. Frequency isn't the only symptom of a UTI: You may feel that you must urinate right away (called "urgency") and feel pain or burning during the process. If you experience symptoms other than frequency, contact your health care provider. He will probably test your urine to see if you have a bacterial infection.
Your Baby's Activity
Some women are awakened by the baby's movements during the night. There's not really anything you can do about this, nor would you want to: A moving baby is usually a healthy baby. When babies stop moving or slow down, we become concerned about their health. So while this may be frustrating for you, it is actually a sign of your little one's good health! If your baby is keeping you awake at night, you can try to get some sleep during the day. Even a short nap can help you feel refreshed.
Sleep-Easy Tips
Here are some other ways to get a good night's sleep:
Cut out all caffeine in your diet.
Get some exercise each day. Studies show that regular exercise promotes better sleep. Walking is a great choice for pregnant women.
Try drinking a glass of warm milk just before bedtime.
Finally, do not take any over-the-counter medications or herbal preparations to help you sleep. Always check with your doctor before treating a symptom on your own.
Labels: Wellness in Pregnancy
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 3:54 PM 0 comments
By Margaret Comerford Freda, Ed.D, R.N.
From Pampers Baby Care Central
By now you may have thought a lot about finding a health care provider for your pregnancy and the birth of your child. Perhaps you've already made an appointment or seen someone. Whatever the case, you want to be in good hands. This is the person with whom, for the next several months, you will be making some of the most important decisions of your (and your baby's) life. How do you go about finding someone you trust and feel comfortable with?
First, think about the type of delivery you'd like to have. Do you want to give birth at home or in a hospital? Do you want your provider to speed your labor with drugs or let it progress naturally? Do you want pain relief available to you? The answers to these questions can help you determine which of the three types of prenatal provider you'd like to work with: a physician (also called a medical doctor, or M.D.), a nurse practitioner (N.P.), or a certified nurse midwife (C.N.M.).
Medical doctors are the most popular choice in the United States. Nine out of 10 women choose an M.D.—either an obstetrician or a family physician—for prenatal care and delivery. Obstetricians have at least four years of specialized training after medical school, and they deal only with gynecology (women's health) and obstetrics (pregnancy and childbirth). Obstetricians are trained to handle any emergency that might arise during labor, including the need for a cesarean section. Family physicians have at least three years of special training after medical school, but they treat the entire family for all medical needs, including pregnancy and birth. Most M.D.s deliver babies in hospitals.
For more information on obstetricians, you can go to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Web site, http://www.webmd.com/click?url=http://www.acog.org. To find out more about family physicians, visit the site for the American Academy of Family Physicians at http://www.aafp.org/.
Certified Nurse-Midwives
About 7 percent of women in the United States use certified nurse-midwives (C.N.M.s), who are specially trained in women's health, prenatal care, and birth. C.N.M.s are nurses with either a master's or doctoral degree. A C.N.M. not only provides prenatal care but also delivers the baby. Why would you choose a C.N.M. over an M.D.? Mostly because of the difference in birthing philosophies. C.N.M.s generally believe that because pregnancy and birth are normal events in a woman's life, pregnant and laboring women don't need many, if any, medical interventions. C.N.M.s do not use drugs to induce labor, do not generally feel that intravenous fluids are necessary during labor, encourage women to use any position they want for labor and birth, and support the participation of family members in the birth. If complications arise, they refer their patient to a physician (all C.N.M.s have referral arrangements with M.D.s). C.N.M.s work in hospitals and in birthing centers, and some assist with home births. For more information, visit the American College of Nurse-Midwives Web site at http://www.acnm.org/.
Nurse Practitioners
Nurse practitioners (N.P.s) are specially trained in women's health and usually have a master's or doctoral degree. They are licensed to provide prenatal care and well-woman care, but they do not deliver babies. N.P.s usually work in clinics with an M.D. or a C.N.M., one of whom would attend the birth. You can learn more about N.P.s on the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Web site, http://www.aanp.org/.
Questions and Answers
Once you've determined which type of provider best fits your needs, you can start your hunt by asking your friends about their experiences. Even though choosing a provider is a personal endeavor, recommendations from people you trust are a wonderful starting point.
Your next step should be to schedule appointments with possible providers and ask them about their birthing philosophies. Why is this important? Some women feel very strongly about certain aspects of their birth: They may not want to have an episiotomy (an incision made near the vagina to give the baby more room to emerge), for example, or they may want their other children present for the birth. If you have strong wishes regarding your baby's birth, you'll want to find a provider who will accommodate your desires—labor is no time to discover that your provider has a birthing philosophy that's different from yours! You should also find out whether your provider has medical partners and, if so, what their birthing philosophies are. Most providers do have partners; otherwise, M.D.s would have to be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week! Any of the partners could end up delivering your baby.
Hospitals and Birthing Centers
You should ask the provider which hospital or birthing center she uses, and find out the policies of that place. Some hospitals have rules about who can be present during the birth, whether pictures can be taken, and whether your baby can stay with you rather than being placed in a nursery behind glass. Also, keep in mind that each provider admits patients only to certain hospitals or birthing centers, so if you have your heart set on a particular facility, be sure to ask potential providers whether they deliver there.
The best way to find the right match is to read as much as you can and ask as many questions as it takes to feel confident in your choice of a professional partner.
Labels: Wellness in Pregnancy
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 3:46 PM 0 comments
{ ASTHMA IN CHILDREN: Symptoms and Risk Factors }
FROM http://www.webmd.com/
Asthma is the leading cause of chronic illness in children. It affects as many as 10%-12% of children in the U.S. and, for unknown reasons, is steadily increasing. It can begin at any age, but most children have their first symptoms by age 5.
What Makes a Child More Likely to Develop Asthma?
There are many risk factors for developing childhood asthma. These include:
+Presence of allergies
+Family history of asthma and/or allergies
+Frequent respiratory infections
+Low birth weight
+Exposure to tobacco smoke before and/or after birth
+Being male
+Being black
+Being raised in a low-income environment
Why Are More Children Getting Asthma?
No one really knows why more and more children are developing asthma. Some experts suggest that children are being exposed to more and more allergens such as dust, air pollution, and second-hand smoke. These factors all are triggers of asthma. Others suspect that children are not exposed to enough childhood illnesses to build up their immune system. It appears that a disorder of the immune system where the body fails to make enough protective antibodies may play a role in causing asthma.
And still others suggest that decreasing rates of breastfeeding have prevented important substances of the immune system from being passed on to babies.
How Can I Tell If My Child Has Asthma?
Signs and symptoms to look for include:
+Frequent coughing spells, which may occur during play, at night, or while laughing. It is important to know that cough may be the only symptom present.
+Less energy during play
+Rapid breathing
+Complaint of chest tightness or chest "hurting"
+Whistling sound (wheezing) when breathing in or out
+See-saw motions (retractions) in the chest from labored breathing
+Shortness of breath, loss of breath
+Tightened neck and chest muscles
+Feelings of weakness or tiredness
+Dark circles under the eyes
+Frequent headaches
+Loss of appetite
Keep in mind that not all children have the same asthma symptoms, and these symptoms can vary from asthma episode to the next episode in the same child. Also note that not all wheezing or coughing is caused by asthma.
In kids under 5 years of age, the most common cause of asthma-like symptoms is upper respiratory viral infections such as the common cold.
If your child has problem breathing, take him or her to the doctor immediately for an evaluation.
How Is Asthma Diagnosed In Children?
Asthma is often difficult to diagnose in infants. However, in older children the disease can often be diagnosed based on your child's medical history, symptoms, and physical exam.
Medical history and symptom description. Your child's doctor will be interested in any history of breathing problems you or your child may have had, as well as a family history of asthma, allergies, a skin condition called eczema, or other lung disease. It is important that you describe your child's symptoms -- cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain or tightness -- in detail, including when and how often these symptoms have been occurring.
Physical exam. During the physical examination, the doctor will listen to your child's heart and lungs.
Tests. Many children will also have a chest X-ray and pulmonary function tests. Also called lung function tests, these tests measure the amount of air in the lungs and how fast it can be exhaled. The results help the doctor determine how severe the asthma is. Generally, children younger than 5 are unable to perform pulmonary function tests. Thus doctors rely heavily on history, symptoms and examination in making the diagnosis.
Other tests may also be ordered to help identify particular asthma triggers. These tests may include allergy skin testing, blood tests and X-rays to determine if sinus infections or gastroesophageal reflux disease (a gastrointestinal condition that causes reflux of acid stomach contents into the esophagus or even into the lungs) is complicating asthma.
© 2009 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.
Labels: Kids' Wellness
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009

- Often the first sign of tooth eruption is gum swelling. Sometimes this swelling appears bluish due to bleeding in the soft tissues around the area where a tooth erupts. This is known as eruption bruise which usually resolves by itself without treatment.
- During teething some children may drool excessively. This can lead to a rash on the child's cheeks, neck and/or chest.
- Babies may become irritable and sometime suffer sleep disturbance.
*Other symptoms:
Teething is also often accompanied by slight fever and diarrhoea.
A number of ways may be used to alleviate the symptoms of teething:-
1. Gently rub or massage the gums with a clean finger or cool spoon.
2. Teething rings could be of benefit. However, liquid-filled teething rings should be avoided as it may be punctured by newly erupted teeth.
3. Pacifiers may provide a soothing effect.
4. Comforting or distracting the baby can be helpful too - you may play, sing, walk or drive the baby around to distract them from the pain.
5. Teething gels may provide temporary relief from teething pain. There are few types of teething gel in the market which mostly provide symptomatic relief. Now let's take a look at what is available in the market.
* Overall, they act by reducing inflammation due to the contents of either cetylperidenium, cetylkonium or hyaluronic acide.
* Some teething gels provide relief by numbing the gums. They usually contain numbing agent such as lignocaine and a bit of alcohol.
* There is also a product that contains hyaluronic acid which regenerates the erupted gum tissues back to normal, hence providing long term relief to teeting baby. It comes in a special preparation for use in infants and children that does not contain alcohol, colorants, preservatives, or even sugar. Furthermore, its familiar taste of milk and fruity flavour, helps to reduce the possibilities of rejection.
Should the symptoms worsen, consult your paediatrician, dentist or pharmacist for effective teething pain relieving agents.
Labels: Kids' Wellness
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Dalam artikel ini saya menceritakan pengalaman diberikan Allah anak sulung dengan memberikan anak manja ini makanan rapu. Sebenarnya, melalui anak yang sulung ini, begitu banyak Allah memberikan ilmu melalui pengalaman membesarkannya. Alhamdulillah bersyukur saya di atas segala nikmat yang diberikan Nya.
Dari tahun 1980 hingga 1985, saya mengajar di tiga buah sekolah dari SMK Sultan Ahmad Shah Cameron Highland, Sekolah Mahmud Raub dan akhir sekali di Sekolah Menengah Sains Raub. Saya mengajar subjek utama biologi tingkatan 4 dan 5 di samping beberapa subjek lain. Dalam subjek biologi ini saya menggalakkan pelajar saya untuk memakan hati kerana menurut sains, hati kaya dengan pelbagai khasiat seperti sumber zat besi yang sangat diperlukan oleh tubuh badan. Saya tidak pernah membuktikan sama ada benar dakwaan sains ini tetapi itulah yang perlu saya ajarkan kerana ia terdapat di dalam sukatan pelajaran biologi dari dulu sampai sekarang.
Para doktor juga telah diberikan ilmu yang sama iaitu hati sama ada hati ayam atau hati lembu mengandungi sumber zat besi yang tinggi yang sangat diperlukan tubuh. Namun Islam mengajarkan sesuatu yang bertentangan sama sekali dengan ilmu sains ini iaitu mafhumnya lebih kurang begini "Janganlah kamu makan organ dalaman". Walau pun Nabi berkata jangan tetapi ulamak lebih menjatuhkan hukum makhruh dalam keadaan ini dan bukan mengharamkannya. Organ dalaman adalah organ selain daging yang terkandung dalam tubuh haiwan seperti:
1. Hati
2. Paru-paru
3. Perut
4. Hempedal
5. Buah pinggang
6. Jantung
7. Telur ayam yang belum keluar dari perut ayam
8. Telur ikan
9. etc.
Sains menggalakkan makan hati kerana khasiat zat besinya yang sangat diperlukan manusia sedangkan Islam melarang dari memakan hati ini. Mana yang anda pilih? Sains atau pesan Nabi Muhammad SAW ini?
Kembali kepada pengalaman membesarkan anak sulung 25 tahun lalu, setelah berbagai makanan rapu termasuk berbagai jenama minuman bergas diberikan, sewaktu anak saya berusia 2 tahun, ia sudah menghadapi satu masalah, beliau mudah letih dan tidak bermaya. Saya dan isteri membawa anak kesayangan ke klinik di Raub Pahang. Doktor Cina di klinik ini sangat rapat dengan saya dan isteri kerana isteri doktor ini mengajar matapelajaran Biologi di sekolah yang sama dengan Isteri saya.
Setelah membuat semakan dan ujian termasuk melihat di dalam kelopak mata bahagian bawah, doktor mengatakan bahawa anak saya sudah mempunyai masalah anemia atau bahasa mudahnya kurang darah atau lebih tepatnya darah anak saya ini kekurangan sel darah merah menyebabkan warna darahnya kurang merah. Doktor menasihati kami berdua agar memberikan anak sulung kami ini makan banyak hati seperti hati ayam. Doktor juga ada memberikan supplement untuk anak kami tersebut.
Bermula dari saat ini setiap kali balik dari sekolah, sewaktu singgah di pasar Raub, saya akan membeli sekilo hati ayam untuk diberikan kepada anak disamping makanan ayah dan ibunya. Walaupun dengan supplement dan hati ayam yang diberikan, keadaan kesihatan anak saya semakin merosot. Ia semakin sangat mudah letih. Beliau hanya akan menjadi penonton apabila sepupunya bermain atau rakan-rakannya berlari berkejar-kejaran.
Perniagaan doktor ini semakin maju maklumlah saya kerap ke kliniknya boleh dikatakan setiap bulan selain dari sakit demam. Pada usia anak saya ini 4 tahun, doktor Cina ini dah surrender dan merujukkan kes anak saya ini ke Hospital Universiti Petaling Jaya. Saya dan isteri terpaksa mengambil cuti membawa anak menemui doktor pakar kanak-kanak. Anak saya diambil darahnya dan doktor minta anak saya dimasukkan ke dalam wad kanak-kanak. Bacaan hemoglobin dalam darah anak saya cuma 4.2 sedangkan orang biasa sepatutnya dalam lingkungan 12 dan ke atas. Allah saja yang mengetahuinya azab yang kami lalui. Hasil pemeriksaan doktor, mereka mengatakan anak saya kena anemia Talesemia (umur sel darah merah pendek berbanding normal 120 hari). Saya tidak ada ilmu ketika itu tentang apa itu (Talesemia). Saya menelefon kakak ipar saya di Tapah bertanyakan apa itu Talesemia. Subhanallah, penjelasannya sangat mengerikan. Kanak-kanak penghidap talesemia selalunya meninggal dunia sebelum usia mencecah 7 tahun. Adakah saya akan kehilangan anak sulung yang dikasihi?
Sudah tidak tahu apa yang perlu dibuat, saya berkunjung ke sebuah farmasi di Kajang mencari sesuatu yang boleh saya usahakan untuk mengubati masalah anak saya. Saya ternampak sebuah ubat supplement buatan Amerika dalam bentuk cecair bernama NUTROPLEX. Saya tawakkal membelinya dan memberikan ubat ini kepada anak saya. Alhamdulillah bacaan hemoglobin anak saya meningkat sehingga ada waktunya kepada bacaan 7. Satu perkara lain selain masalah masalah yang telah disebutkan di atas, anak saya ini kerap sekali menghadapi demam secara purata 2 kali sebulan dari usia 2 tahun sehingga berusia 13 tahun. Pendek kata, sekolah memang terpaksa selalu tidak hadir kerana demam.
Begitulah masalah yang kami hadapi membesarkan anak sulung ini sehingga berusia 13 tahun. Kerap demam dan tidak bermaya serta mudah letih. Kemuncak masalah ini ialah bila satu ketika saya mendapat panggilan telefon dari isteri mengatakan anak saya terpaksa dimasukkan ke hospital kerana demam yang serius. Waktu ini saya sudah mula berguru dengan arwah guru saya. Segala masalah anak saya sudah sedia dalam makluman arwah guru cuma menanti saat yang sesuai sahaja untuk memberitahu kepada saya.
Dalam saat kebingungan mengenangkan anak dimasukkan ke hospital kerana demam yang serius, saya menelefon arwah guru saya. Setelah saya menjelaskan cerita sebenarnya, arwah memberitahu saya agar mencari sebanyak mungkin buah delima masak di mana-mana kampung dan berikanlah makan kepada anak saya. Alhamdulillah saya berjaya mencari agak banyak juga buah delima kampung dan saya menyuapkan kepada anak saya. Alhamdulillah selepas beberapa hari, anak saya dibenarkan keluar dari wad hospital.
Bermula dari saat inilah saya terpaksa akur sahaja dengan apa yang disarankan oleh arwah guru saya. Sebelumnya, saya memang banyak membantah kata-kata arwah guru, maklumlah saya lulusan universiti (biologi & kimia) sedangkan arwah guru sekadar pengamal perubatan tradisional dan tok guru agama. Arwah guru saya menasihati agar:
1. Elakkan dari makan sebarang organ dalaman seperti hati dsbnya
2. Elakkan makanan rapu seperti coklat, maggi mee, twisties, ding dang, double decker, burger, naget, sausage dan sebagainya
3. Elakkan minuman bergas
4. Elakkan jeruk-jeruk kering dan basah
5. Makan sayur-sayuran yang berzat seperti sayuran hijau dan pahit.
6. Makan buah delima
7. Makan epal hijau
Selepas tiada pilihan (doktor dan pakar sudah diusahakan) melainkan mencuba kaedah rawatan arwah guru semata-mata, akhirnya saya bersyukur kepada Allah SWT bahawa inilah kaedah yang tepat untuk merawat kes anak saya. Sejak dari saat ini, anak saya ini kelihatan semakin sihat dan segar dan akhirnya kekerapan menghidap demam pun telah menjadi sejarah. Syukur Alhamdulillah terima kasih kepada Mu ya Allah di atas rahmatMu.
Bermula dari saat ini saya sudah berpusing 180 darjah. Saya menyumpah kepada ilmu sains yang mengajarkan bahawa makan hati boleh membawa kebaikan kepada manusia. Saya menyumpah juga kepada diri saya yang selama ini mengajarkan kepada pelajar-pelajar saya satu ilmu yang sebenarnya membawa mudharat kepada manusia. Ampunilah dosa ku ya Allah kerana mengajarkan ilmu sesat di sekolah dahulu (ilmu makan hati untuk menambah darah).
Saya yakin bahawa saranan ilmu sains bahawa memakan hati haiwan adalah baik untuk menambah darah adalah ilmu songsang yang diajarkan oleh orang Yahudi agar umat manusia menjadi tidak sihat. Orang Yahudi ini beranggapan jikalau dunia ini dipenuhi oleh orang Yahudi semata-mata, alangkah indahnya. Mereka ingin membunuh umat lain selain Yahudi secara senyap. Tanggapan saya ini adalah berdasarkan bahawa orang Yahudi ini sangat mempelajari ilmu di dalam Al Quran dan hadis cuma mereka tidak beriman sahaja. Mereka ingin menggunakan ilmu ini untuk merosakkan dan membunuh umat Islam. Saya berkata demikian kerana ilmu sains dari barat mengajarkan untuk memakan hati sedangkan orang Yahudi , Amerika dan England tidak makan hati. Mereka juga tidak makan kepala ikan seperti disarankan Nabi sedangkan orang Melayu Islam di Malaysia makan hati dan kepala ikan.
Memakan hati bukan sekadar tidak membantu meningkatkan paras hemoglobin darah malahan memakannya akan mengundang pelbagai mudharat lain yang Allah dan Rasul Nya saja yang mengetahui dengan tepat. Pengalaman anak saya serta didiagnosed oleh doktor sebagai pesakit leukemia sudah cukup mengajar saya betapa mudharatnya memakan hati. Anak saya telah memakan hati ayam dengan begitu banyak sekali semenjak berusia 2 hingga 13 tahun. Subhanallah.
Kepada mereka yang taksub dengan ilmu sains dan perubatan moden, waspadalah, berbagai agenda tersembunyi dimasukkan oleh Yahudi dan Nasrani di dalam ilmu sains dan perubatan moden. Mereka mengajarkan tidak ada ubat bagi menyembuhkan penyakit seperti diabetes, jantung dan bengkak hati sedangkan Allah dengan jelas menyatakan setiap penyakit diturunkan Allah bersama ubat melainkan mati.
Kepada ibu bapa yang bakal mendapat kenaikan gaji baru pada Ogos akan datang ini, saya ingin berpesan bahawa kitalah sebenarnya yang banyak meracuni anak-anak dan diri kita sendiri dengan cara memberikan makanan yang sama sekali tidak sepatutnya untuk dimakan oleh anak-anak dan diri kita. Setengah manusia sangat redha dan seronok untuk diracuni dengan menghisap rokok, minum arak dan menghisap dadah.
Labels: Artikel Bahasa Melayu
Posted by Admin Wellbeing at 1:37 PM 0 comments